Hi, I’m Thamer Linklater (they/them)!

I’m a Nehiyaw poet, artist and land defender from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation in Manitoba residing and working in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong in Ontario.

Who Am I?

I'm a passionate Cree poet, artist and land defender. My works are a reflection of my unique lived experiences of foster care, homelessness and mental health challenges. Through the power of words, I strive to bring to life the challenges, resilience and triumphs that have defined my journey.

With every carefully crafted piece, my intention is to foster connection, spread hope, and mot importantly, inspire change. My poetry is an authentic representation of my voice, delving into the raw and honest exploration of my human experience. By sharing my story, I hope to create a space where others can find solace, empathy, and understanding. In my writing, vulnerability becomes strength, wounds become lessons, and every reader discovers a fragment of themselves.

I invite you to join me on this captivating literary adventure as I weave together emotions, dreams, and memories. Through my powerful voice, I illuminate corners of existence that often pass unnoticed, offering a glimmer of light to those who need it most.

Follow Me on Instagram.